Are arcade games making a comeback?

When what’s trending amongst fans of pop culture is considered the only guarantee is how revolutionary things can be. This is why it comes as no surprise that the gaming industry could become modernized and can have a place amongst things that are presently here. An aspect of gaming such as this appears to be making its comeback. Despite how popular the arcade games were in the 1980s and how they declined with the rise of PCs and home game consoles such as PlayStation and Xbox, arcade games look to be making a comeback. Will people be as excited for them as they were before? 

Modern Arcade Games

Moving past the creation (or re-creation) old school arcades and cafes and bars, some companies have gone to the arcade game renaissance and have placed a modern spin on arcade gaming. Because of how arcade games are played, there is a specific type of gameplay that is involved. An article by Betway Casino stated that a piece of the gamification of the recent trends for gaming involved modernizing older ideas, meaning that adding other technological twists such as VR to arcade games, a strategy that online casinos used, can enhance the gameplay. 

Modern takes on arcade games included the skating game OlliOlli, the Space Invaders reboot Galak-Z, Resogun, and the puzzle game Peggle 2 by EA. The games mentioned were made available on consoles, with arcade-like gameplay. The revival of arcades didn’t mean that we had to all be around single machines in arcades, it meant a revival of games that required skills. With arcades coming into the 21st century, a large part of the comeback was the style of games that were being made. 

Arcade Game Bars 

e Sports and gaming bars contributed to the rise of arcade games. They turned gaming into social events – as it was back in the day in arcades – and used an old school method of engaging with games, the culture of arcade games also reignited with a new generation of gamers. They used modern-ness of eSports, the traditional arcade games, and the expansive games that were made available for play online with global players, a growing number of players are able to enjoy these types of games. A few barcades (arcade bars) are: 

  • Offworld Arcade at Checker Bar 
  • Player 1 Video Game Bar
  • EightyTwo

Retro Graphics 

Arcade game revival didn’t mean that there was an uplift playing games in the actual arcades. They took the essence of what made an arcade game an arcade game, the 2D scroller feature, the graphics that gave the arcade games the 8-bit feel, and the leaderboard – newer mobile games were able to take the joy of being in an arcade while also giving arcade games a more modern feel while also capturing the joy of arcade games. In a few ways, the way that games are played on phones is the way arcade games were played in the 80s, hence by taking the retro gameplay and graphics, the essence of the arcade game is maintained. The game  Asphalt 8: Airborne was influenced by the original arcade racing games, like Neon Drive. Another example of this is the game Punch Quest, which advanced the beat em up style of gameplay with a game released on Android and for iOS, and had more than 1 million downloads to date and a very high rating of 4.3 out of 5 stars.